Gallo in bronzo
di una tomba romana
Buchten - Limburgo - NL
in bronzo di una tomba romana di Buchten
nella provincia olandese del Limburgo
haan uit Romeins graf in Buchten, Collectie Limburgs Museum Venlo.
Bron: Provinciaal Bodemdepot Maastricht.
rooster from a Roman Grave in Buchten (Limburg - NL)
From the Collection of the Limburg Museum in Venlo
Source: Bron: Provinciaal Bodemdepot Maastrichte
The rooster is dedicated to the goddess Arcanua. Arcanua is mentioned in Roman writings, she was worshipped in the Netherlands but for the rest nothing is known about her. Her name sounds very Latin and it may be possible that she is of Roman or Celtic origin, though the name can also be a Romanised Germanic name.
D / ARKANV / AE / M · I · AM / L · M
D(eae) ARKANUAE M(arcus) I(ulius) AM(- - -) L(ibens) M(erito)
DEAE ARCANUAE ULPIUS VERINUS VETERANUS LEG(ionis) VI V(otum) S(olvit) L(ibens) M(erito)
The Latin/Roman text means: Dedicated to the goddess Arcanua with pleasure and then the name of the dedicator. Ulpius Verinus was without doubt a legion soldier, possessing the Roman civil rights; and - seen his nomen gentilicium Ulpius - this was thanks to emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117). The Legio VI (Victrix) was from 71 to about 100, in anyway till after 96 stationed in Novaesium-Neuss, next to 120/122 in Vetera II-Xanten, and then in Eburacum-York. As a soldier of the Legio II, Ulpius Verinus probably went from Germania Inferior to Britannia around 120/122. One can assume that after 25 years in the army he returned as a veteran to his native country (in Germania Inferior) and soon after that dedicated the bronze rooster to the goddess Arcanua, to redeem a pledge (a propitiously passed military service, honourable discharge or save home coming).
done by Elly Vogelaar