The egg in the first 5 days of incubation
From the beginning until the 48th hour of incubation
asterisk * indicates that the item is present in lexicon
§. 1. |
1 |
Vitellus, ovi
albumini innatans, tenui serosa membrana, qua includitur, ab albumine
separatur et tantummodo chalazis, ut quidem Leveillé[1]
opinatur, cum eo conjungitur[2]. |
yolk, floating in the albumen of the egg, is separated from the
albumen by a thin serous membrane by which it is enclosed, and only
joins to it by chalazas, as in fact Jean Baptiste Leveillé is
thinking. |
In superficie
vitelli exigua quaedam albida macula conspicitur, quam cicatriculam
vocant, quae licet ab omni inde tempore sat nota fuerit et a diversis
autoribus diversa acceperit nomina[3],
nondum [19] tamen eo scrutatores permovit, ut et ubi sedeat, et unde
oriatur, accuratius investigarent. |
the surface of the yolk is visible some small white patch they call
cicatricle, which, although enough known from a long immemorial time
and received different names by different authors, nevertheless it has
not yet pushed the researchers to investigate in more accurate way
both where it is situated and whence it originates. |
autem, 1)
vitelli membranam in hujus maculae regione singularis esse tenuitatis
et pelluciditatis; 2)
magnam differentiam intercedere inter cicatriculas ovorum ad
incubationem aptorum et eorum, quae nullam pulli evolutionem admittunt. |
I observed that: 1)
the membrane of the yolk in the area of this patch is unusual for
thinness and transparency; 2) a big difference exists between the cicatricles
of the eggs proper for incubation and of those not allowing any
evolution of the chick. |
In ovis ad
incubationem ineptis macula minor, albidior, granulosa, non perfecte
circularis apparet, et ab exigua albidae materiae gleba producitur,
quae reliquae Vitelli massae immersa inhaeret, et ab illa praecipue
colore distinguitur. |
the eggs not suitable for incubation the patch appears smaller, more
white, grainy, not perfectly circular, and sticks out from the small
mass of white matter that immersed adheres to the rest of the mass of
the yolk and is distinguished from it mainly for the colour. |
In ovis
contra incubandis macula haec major, diametri fere duarum linearum[4],
plumbeo-albida, perfecte circularis apparet, vitellum autem, ubi
proxime eam [20] circumdat, zonulam mox angustiorem, mox latiorem
coloris saturatioris efficit; sed macula ipsa pallidiori margine
circumdatur, et non raro minorem albidiorem circulum includit; semper
autem ejus centrum punctum albicans occupat. |
the contrary, in the eggs to be incubated, this patch appears greater,
of the diameter of almost two lines <- around 4.5 mms>, of
leaden white colour, perfectly circular; the yolk, where surrounds it
nearby, creates a small area now more narrow now wider of more
saturated colour; but the patch itself is surrounded by a paler edge
and not rarely holds a smaller and more white circle; but a white
point always occupies its centre. |
membrana detracta, facile comperitur, maculam praedictam progigni
singulari strato, e minutissimis granulis lentis acie conspiciendis
composito, discum tenuem referente, quod vitello ita impositum est, ut
superficie sua interiori hoc, superficie autem exteriori membranam
vitelli tangat. Facili negotio stratum istud, quod libenter membranam
vocaremus, nisi nimis molle esset, a subjacente vitello elevatur,
excepto centro, quod subjacenti glebae, simili illi, quam solam et
nudam in ovis non incubandis invenimus, arctius adhaeret, ita ut,
facta sejunctione violenta, vel gleba vel stratum membranaceum
destruatur. Cicatricula igitur nil aliud est, nisi exterior hujus
disci superficies, quam hyalina vitelli membrana transparere sinit;
albidius autem maculae centrum etiam a praedicta gleba dependet. |
having removed the membrane of the yolk, we easily realize that the
above-mentioned patch is born from a particular layer, composed by
dwarfish granules visible with the acuteness of a lens, similar to a
thin disk, which layer is located above the yolk, so that it comes
into contact with the yolk with its inside surface, while with the
external surface it comes into contact with the membrane of the yolk.
This layer, that I gladly would call membrane if it was not too much
soft, is lifted from the underlying yolk with little work, except the
centre, that sticks in a rather close way to the underlying mass
similar to it we find alone and naked in the eggs not to be brooded,
so that, after having done a violent separation, the mass or the
membranous layer is destroyed. Insofar the cicatricle is only the
external surface of this disk, that the hyaline membrane of the yolk
allows to shine through; also the centre of the patch, that is whiter,
drifts from the aforesaid mass. |
Quae cum ita
se habeant, haec duo circa cicatriculam distinguimus. [21] 1)
Discum vel stratum membranaceum et 2) glebam
centralem ipsi subjacentem, quam in posterum Nucleum
cicatriculae appellabimus. |
such things are so, around the cicatricle we distinguish these two
things. 1)
A disk, or membranous layer, and 2)
a central mass located below, that subsequently I will call nucleus of
the cicatricle. |
Quod autem
stratum membranaceum spectat, id in omni pulli evolutione summi est
momenti. Praeterea enim, quod sibi sedem ac domicilium hoc deligit
Embryo, ipsum quoque sua substantia ad ejus configurationem plurimum
confert, quare id etiam in posterum blastoderma[5]
vocabimus[6]. |
far as the membranous layer is concerning, it is of very great
importance in every evolution of the chick. Besides in fact, since the
embryo chooses this layer as its residence and domicile, such layer
also with its substance is very useful to its configuration, which is
why also from this time forward we will call it blastoderma. |
§. 2. |
2 |
auctus est et a circumjacente vitello facilius separatur, cum
blastodermate autem adhuc cohaeret. |
nucleus is increased and is more easily separated from the yolk lying
around, but it still sticks to blastoderma. |
Blastoderma parum increvit; in ejus centro vero, si ab adhaerente
nuclei massa caute depurgetur, conspicitur exiguum punctum pellucidum. |
blastoderma has grown a little; but in its centre, if with caution is
cleaned up from the adherent mass of the nucleus, a small
semitransparent point is seen. |
[24] Albumen
supra cicatriculam recedit, membranae vitelli ad internam testae
superficiem accessum permittens. |
albumen above the cicatricle fades away, allowing the membrane of the
yolk the access to the inner surface of the shell. |
3. |
3 |
auctum, diametri 3-4 linearum, adhaeret membranae vitelli, qua
detracta, simul aufertur, subjacentem, cui antea adhaeserat, illibatum
relinquens nucleum. Ut igitur examini subjici possit, necesse est,
segmentum membranae Vitelli, cui adhaeret, aquae immergi, ubi facile
discedit. |
increased blastoderma, with the diameter of 3-4 lines <- 6,75-9
mms>, sticks to the membrane of the yolk, and when this is removed,
it is contemporarily removed, leaving intact the underlying nucleus to
which it was sticking previously. Insofar, so that it can be examined,
it is necessary that the segment of the membrane of the yolk, to which
it sticks, is dipped in the water, where it easily separates. |
pellucidum, blastodermatis centrum occupans, pariter ampliatum est, et
figura circularis in pyriformem mutari incipit; unde fit, ut jam in
blastodermate duae regiones distingui possint, altera interna vel
media, quam aream pellucidam[8] [25] cum Wolffio vocamus,
altera tanquam zona opaca, hanc ambiens, quam aream opacam vocamus.
Area pellucida subjacentem albidum cicatriculae Nucleum clare
transparere sinit, quod phaenomenon ad miros errores et icones
fingendos ansam dedit Malpighio[9]. |
semitransparent point, occupying the centre of the blastoderma, became
likewise larger, and the circular aspect starts to be transformed in
pyriform; therefore it happens that in the blastoderma two sectors can
already be distinguished, one internal or central that together with
Kaspar Wolff I call pellucid area <- semitransparent
area>, the other as opaque area surrounding the previous, and which
I call opaque area. The pellucid area allows the underlying white
nucleus of the cicatricle to shine through in a clear way, a
phenomenon that offered to Marcello Malpighi* the opportunity to mould
marvellous errors and images. |
[26] Quod
autem summam meretur attentionem, est ipsius blastodermatis e duobus
stratis compositio. Etenim haec membrana ante incubationem ex simplici
granulorum, viscositate sua inter se cohaerentium, strato consistit;
progrediente autem incubatione, alterum ipsi innascitur stratum
tenerrimum quidem, sed eo firmioris structurae, ut circa horam
indicatam blastoderma diuturniori maceratione in duas lamellas[10]
[27] dividi possit. Interior harum lamellarum, vitello {proprior} <propior>,
primitiva, granulosa, in posterum membrana pituitosa, exterior
autem secundaria, laevis, omnino {homogena} <homogenea> et
aequalis, membrana serosa a nobis appellabitur. |
what deserves a very big attention is the composition of the
blastoderma itself by two layers. And in fact before incubation this
membrane consists in a simple layer of small granules sticking among
them because of their viscosity; but, with the progress of incubation,
inside it another very soft layer is born, but with a structure more
resistant to such point that around the marked hour - 12th hour - the
blastoderma can be separated in two lamellae by a more protracted
maceration. The more inner of these lamellae, more nearby the yolk,
primitive, grainy, for the future will be called by me as pituitous
membrane <- mucous membrane>, but the more external,
secondary, thin, wholly homogeneous and uniform, by me will be called serous
membrane. |
Ambae hae
membranae totum blastoderma constituunt, et ut in area pellucida, sic
in area opaca adsunt, hac solum intercedente differentia, quod in area
pellucida membrana pituitosa longe tenerior est, ac in zona opaca. |
these membranes constitute the whole blastoderma and are present both
in pellucid area and in opaque area, only with the verifying of this
difference, since in the pellucid area the pituitous membrane is
extremely softer than in the opaque zone. |
halones in vitello. Generatim halones audiunt circuli albidi maculae
circumducti[11]. Invenimus autem, duas
esse distinguendas halonum species; pars enim a blastodermate
producitur, cujus limbus pallidior per membranam vitelli translucet,
quod non raro interiori etiam gaudet exigua albida zonula. |
the yolk are sprouting some halos. From the point of view of the
generation, the halos are considered as white circles surrounded by a
stain. Actually I have found that the types of halos have to be
separated in two types; in fact a part is produced by the blastoderma,
whose paler edge shines through the membrane of the yolk, since not
rarely it enjoys also of an internal very small white zone. |
Hi [28]
halones jam ante incubationem adsunt, et in incubatione cum augmento
blastodermatis amplificantur. Alii autem halones duo vel tres prima
incubationis die in ipso vitello oriuntur, et sunt circuli
plumbeo-albidi, ipsi vitelli massae inhaerentes, et ex ipso vitello
per incubationem producti; horum exterior tamen semper limbo
blastodermatis respondet. Quanta autem his halonibus insit varietas,
Malpighius sufficienter indicavit[12]. |
halos are already present before the incubation and during the
incubation they magnify with the increase of the blastoderma. But
others two or three halos sprout in the yolk itself during the first
day of incubation, and they are circles of white leaden colour
sticking to the mass itself of the yolk, and are produced through the
incubation by starting from the yolk itself; however their more
external part is always facing the edge of the blastoderma. Malpighi
pointed out in enough way how much variety is present in these halos. |
4. |
4 |
pellucida, oblonga, pyriformis 2 ad 3 lineas longa est. In ipsa
conspiciuntur duae lineolae obscuriores parallelae, quae a plicis,
quas blastoderma versus testam format, proficiscuntur. Haec prima
embryonis nascentis vestigia[13]
plicae [29] primariae non immerito audiunt, quod [30]
autem iis interest, spatium carinatum cum Malpighio nominamus. |
pellucid area is oblong, pear-shaped, long 2-3 lines <- 4,50-6,75
mms>. In it two darker little lines are seen, parallel, starting
from the plicae formed by the blastoderma in direction of the shell.
Rightly these first vestiges of the bearing embryo are called primary
plicae, but what is in the middle of them with Malpighi I call
carinate space. |
In ea
extremitate, quam hae plicae obtusiori areae pellucidae fini obvertunt,
mox, post earum ortum, flexione arcuata sese conjungunt; in opposita
autem extremitate a se invicem distantes patescunt. |
that extremity these folds are turning toward the more blunt limit of
the pellucid area, immediately after their appearance they are joining
with an arched bending; but at the opposite extremity they widen,
being distant between them. |
Dum haec
contingunt, area pellucida sensim sensimque suam formam mutat,
dilatata; obtusior pars gracilescit et sic figura pyriformis in illam,
quam Blumenbach pani saccharato, vulgo Biscuit dicto, recte comparat,
mutatur, nobis uno verbo abhinc soleaeformem appellandam. |
these things happen, the pellucid area, dilated, slowly changes its
shape; the blunter part grows thinner and so the pear-shaped aspect
turns itself in something rightly compared by Johann Friedrich
Blumenbach* to the sugared bread, usually called biscuit, that from
this moment I have to call with only one word: soleaeformem,
sole-shaped. |
utramque plicam primitivam, brevi ab eorum ortu et conjunctione
intervallo, tenue filamentum albidum nascitur, quod mox medullam
spinalem rite agnoscimus. |
both the primary plicae, in a short interval from their formation and
union, a thin white filament is born, that rightly immediately I
recognize as spinal marrow. |
arcuatam plicarum primitivarum conjunctionem medulla spinalis in
capitulum, altero fine autem in rhombum terminatur. |
the arched conjunction of the primary plicae, the spinal marrow ends
in a little head, but at the other extremity in a rhomb. |
area opaca iterum in duas zonas distinctas divisa est: interna
angustior, intensior, flava, rugoso-grumosa, ab exteriori, latiore,
aequaliori circulo albido separatur. |
its turn the opaque area of the blastoderma is split into two distinct
zones: the inner one, smaller, more strong, yellow, rough and lumpy,
is separated from the external one, which is wider, by a more uniform
white circle. |
[31] Zona
interna margine suo interiori areae pellucidae fines describit,
figuramque biscuitformem seu soleaeformem pariter exprimit, margine
vero exteriori elliptico zonae externae contigua est. |
inner zone by its more internal edge describes the boundaries of the
pellucid area, and likewise it reproduces an aspect of biscuit or of
sole, but with the elliptic external edge it is adjoining to the
external zone. |
ampliati. |
halos are bigger. |
intumescit, a vitello facillime separatur et foveolam superficiei, qua
antea cum blastodermate cohaeserat, impressam ostendit. |
nucleus swells out, very easily it separates from the yolk, and shows
a small pit imprinted on the surface to which before it had stuck. |
5. |
5 |
Embryonis ex
plicis primariis et medulla spinali consistentis, ex blastodermate
nati, soloque natali indisolubili modo adnexi duas distinguimus
extremitates, superiorem seu capitalem, ubi plicae coierunt, et
inferiorem, seu caudalem, ubi plicae patent. |
the embryo, constituted by the primary plicae and by the spinal marrow,
born from the blastoderma and linked in an indissoluble way to the
native support, we distinguish two extremities, the superior or
cephalic, where the plicae joined themselves, and the inferior or
caudal, where the plicae are evident. |
capitalis versus ovi interiora paulisper supra medullae spinalis
capitellum reflectitur, et sic plicam valde exiguam, transversalem,
semilunarem format[14]. |
cephalic extremity bends toward the more internal parts of the egg, a
little bit above the extremity of the spinal marrow, and so it gives
shape to a very small plica, transversal and crescent-shaped. |
[32] Haec
plica transversalis consistit ex 1) duabus plicis primariis, quae ob
necessariam elevationem in angulo flexionis tanquam cornua parva
eminent; 2) ex arcu plicarum apices conjungente, qui plicae terminum
facit, ex quo complicatum blastoderma iterum reflexum et deplanatum in
aream pellucidam continuatur, praeterquam quod apices plicae
transversim sibi oppositae [33] ad latera embryonis paulisper
incurvatae descendunt versus caudam. 3) Ex membrana spatii carinati
utrique plicae interjecta. |
transversal plica consists 1) in two primary plicae, sticking out in
the angle of the flexion as small horns because of a necessary
elevation; 2) in an arc linking the apexes of the plicae, which
determines the end of the plica, from which the folded up blastoderma,
newly bent and flattened, continues in the pellucid area, except the
fact that the apexes of the plica, opposed to itself transversally and
a little bent toward the sides of the embryo, go down toward the tail;
3) in a membrane of the carinate space interposed to both plicae. |
Quando per
macerationem blastoderma in duas, ex quibus componitur, membranas
dividitur, et membrana serosa sub microscopio consideratur; apparet
hujus superficiei internae, qua pituitosae incumbit, adhaerens tenue
stratum minutissimorum globulorum ubique aequalium, subtransparentium.
Hocce stratum globulorum non per totum blastoderma diffunditur, sed
tantummodo aream pellucidam et zonam areae opacae interjorem occupat,
ita ut ipsa areae opacae in duas zonas divisio (h. 16. non nisi ab hoc
strato ordiatur, cujus margo interiorem zonam ab exteriori separat[15]). |
by means of the maceration the blastoderma splits into the two
membranes by which it is composed, and the serous membrane is analyzed
under the microscope, of this inner surface, by which it leans to that
mucous one, a thin adherent layer of dwarfish globules anywhere
identical, semitransparent, is seen. This layer of globules doesn't
spread through the whole blastoderma, but only occupies the pellucid
area and the more inner opaque zone, so as the division itself of the
opaque area in two zones (unless at 16th hour it takes start from this
layer, whose edge separates the inner zone from the external one). |
est hujus strati metamorphosis. Circa horam duodecimam enim [34] non
completum stratum, sed dispersi globulorum acervuli tanquam insulae
apparent, quae demum in stratum non interruptum confluunt, quod postea
denuo in sanguinis insulas et in vasa sanguinea abit, propriae
membranae, quam vasculosam dicimus, naturam induens et tertiam
eamque mediam blastodermatis lamellam constituens. |
metamorphosis of this layer is worthy of mention. In fact about the
12th hour a complete layer appears, but some scattered dollops of
globules appear as being islands finally merging in a continuous layer,
subsequently completely turning into islands of blood and in blood
vessels, assuming the aspect of the proper membrane we call vascular,
and also constituting that third middle lamella of the blastoderma. |
6. |
6 |
Ad latera
embryonis plicis primitivis quasi appensa oriuntur vertebrarum
maculae forma fere quadrata, colore subflavo, albicantibus intervallis
separatae et in duas lineas parallelas dispositae. |
the sides of the embryo, almost suspended at the primitive plicae, the
sketches of the vertebrae are originated, spots of almost square shape,
of yellowish colour, separated by white intervals and placed along two
parallel lines. |
primitivae antea rectae serpentine flectuntur[17],
et quasi undulosae fiunt, unde spatium carinatum in seriem cellularum
dividitur. Versus finem caudalem plicae a se invicem divergentes [35]
discedunt, et circa rhombum medullae spinalis imperfectum arcum
formant. |
primitive plicae, at first straight, are bending like a snake and
become almost undulant, so the careened space is divided in a series
of little cells. The among them divergent plicae are separating toward
the caudal extremity and form a defective arc around the rhombus of
the spinal marrow. |
ampliati sunt, et latiores facti se hinc inde attingunt, undulati quid
ostendentes. |
halos became larger and, grown larger, are touching themselves from
one side to the other, showing something undulated. |
7. |
7 |
primitivae, quae prius patentes medullam spinalem inter se excipiebant,
jam versus se invicem inclinantur, praecipue in media caput inter et
caudam regione. Dum haec inclinatio fit, margines plicarum sibi
admoventur, medulla spinalis tegitur, qua contecta demum concrescunt.
Sed cum haec inclinatio, marginum appropinquatio, eorumque concretio
non nisi in medio contingant, eaedem, de quibus diximus plicae, ubi ad
dilatationem rhomboideam medullae spinalis accedunt, diversi
persistunt, ad extremitatem capitalem autem, serpentinam flexionem
conservant et seriem trium vel quatuor cellularum magnitudinis
progressive adauctae efficiunt[18]. |
primitive folds that before, open, welcomed the bone marrow among them,
now are inclined towards each other,
especially in the region that is located in the middle between
the head and the tail. While this inclination happens, the edges of the
plicae move towards each other, the spinal marrow covers itself,
and after it is covered they finally stiffen. But while this
inclination, the approaching of the edges and their stiffening are
happening only in the center, the same plicae of which we have spoken,
when are approaching to the rhomboid expansion of the spinal marrow,
remain different; actually toward the extremity of the head they keep
a serpentine flexion and create a series with the size of three or
four cells progressively increased. |
[36] Plica
transversalis sensim dilatata et prolongata versus extremitatem
caudalem descendit, et vaginam capitis, Wolffio dictam, format.
Considerandum nempe est, re vera duas adesse plicas transversales,
primam sive superiorem, quae e reflexione corpusculi embryonis oritur,
et secundam sive inferiorem, quam reflexio blastodermatis in planitiem
redeuntis efficit, et supra quam prima prominet. Quod jam ad
superiorem plicam spectat, haec ipsa ad constituendum corpus embryonis
confert; secunda autem sive inferior, si embryonem, cum blastodermate
ex ovo {exemtum} <exemptum>, dorso imponas, et superficiem
internam sive abdominalem spectes, primam tegit, et hoc tegmen proprie
est, quod evolutione elongetur. |
transversal plica, slowly dilated and lengthened, goes down
towards the caudal extremity and forms the sheath of the head, as
Kaspar Wolff calls it. Actually we have to consider that truly there
are two transversal plicae, the first one or superior that is born
from the refolding of the corpuscle of the embryo, and the second one
or inferior that determines the refolding of the blastoderma that
becomes again to be flat, and above which the first one is sticking
out. What now is turned toward the superior plica, this one itself
contributes to the formation of the embryo's body; but the second or
inferior one, if you put the embryo on its back with the blastoderma
removed from the egg and you look at the inner or abdominal surface,
it covers the first, and this coverage is placed in an appropriate
way, since it would be removed by the evolution. |
Cor sub
vagina capitis tanquam oblongus sacculus nondum certis descriptus
limitibus apparet. |
heart is visible under the sheath of the head as an oblong bag not yet
delineated by secure boundaries. |
globulosum, membranae serosae adhaerens, retis speciem prae se fert;
per globulos nempe lineolae perlucidae sibi intertextae serpunt. |
globular layer, adherent to the serous membrane, shows the aspect of a
net; actually through the globules are winding some little transparent
interwoven lines. |
blastodermatis sex vel octo linearum. |
diameter of the blastoderma is of 6 or 8 lines. |
Halones fere
evanuerunt; nucleus auctus. |
halos have almost disappeared; the nucleus is increased. |
§. 8. |
8 |
plicarum primitivarum, quae, ubi plica transversalis fit, prominent[19],
ad se proxime accedunt[20]
et dum concrescunt, spatium orbiculare includunt, unde frons et facies
pulli oriuntur. Ad utrumque hujus orbiculi latus duo alia spatia
orbicularia nascuntur, paulisper retro posita, prima oculorum
quae ab initio modo dilatationes laterales primi intermedii orbiculi
esse videntur. |
horns of the primitive plicae, which, when a plica becomes transversal,
are sticking out, get closer to each other and while growing together
they contain a circular space, whence the forehead and the face of the
chick are born. In proximity of both sides of this circle two other
circular spaces are born, a little bit placed behind, the first
sketches of the eyes, initially seeming to be only lateral dilatations
of the first central circle. |
Cor angustius
factum est, canalis cylindricus, rectus, in regione cardiaca Wolffii
situs, ad caput adscendens. Stratum globulorum in distinctas insulas
solutum; ipsae insulae colorem subflavum assumunt; globuli autem
annulum terminalem constituentes rubedine inficiuntur. |
heart became smaller, the cylindrical channel, straight, located in
the cardiac region of Kaspar Wolff, rises toward the head. The layer
of the globules is dissolved in separate islands; the islands
themselves assume a yellowish colour; but the globules constituting
the terminal ring are dyed of red. |
§. 9<.> |
9 |
capitis pars, siquidem superiorem ad albumen spectantem superficiem
consideremus, quae blastodermati prius incubuit et ab illo superne
acus ope sublevari potuerat, nunc parvae foveolae immersa est, quam
blastodermatis superior, ultra caput prominens pars efficit, ita ut
caput ex hac foveola eximere possis. Plica, hujus foveolae marginem
constituens, inchoamentum est amnii.[22] |
extreme part of the head, if we consider the upper surface turned
toward the albumen, that initially was leant on the blastoderma, and
that had been possible to be lifted by a needle from its superior part,
now is immersed in a little dimple created by a superior part of the
blastoderma sticking out beyond the head, in such a way that it is
possible for you to remove the head from this dimple. The plica
constituting the edge of this dimple is the sketch of the amnion. |
Cor in latus
sinistrum arcuatur et duabus stricturis in tres vesiculas, imperfecte
tamen, dividitur, et in extremitate inferiori, quasi bifidum in crura
maxime divergentia desinit<.> |
heart bends like an arc toward the left side and through two narrowing
splits into three vesicles, however in a defective way, and at the
inferior extremity, almost bifid, ends in extremely divergent legs. |
capitis usque ad cordis in duo crura divisionem porrecta est, et in
hac regione foveam cardiacam, quae retro cor in oesophagum ducit,
format; anguli autem laterales hujus vaginae valde prominent, versus
caudam tendentes. |
sheath of the head lengthens up to the division of the heart in two
legs, and in this region it forms the cardiac pit that behind the
heart brings in the oesophagus; but the lateral angles of this sheath
are quite a lot sticking out by going toward the tail. |
Ad inferiorem
foetus apicem nunc invenimus circumflexam blastodermatis partem, quae
dum postea futuram caudae vaginam efficit, apud Wolffium involucrum
[39] caudae audit, cujus margines ad embryonis latera
adscendunt et innatas a fovea cardiaca plicas transeunt. |
the inferior apex of the fetus we now find the circumflex part of the
blastoderma, that, while subsequently is constituting the future
sheath of the tail, in Kaspar Wolff is said wrap of the tail, whose
edges go up to the sides of the embryo and overcome the plicae
originating from the cardiac pit. |
rubent, et prolongatae in rete confluunt. |
islands are red, and lengthened they converge in the net. |
vitelli, ubi blastoderma tegit, tenuissima facta est. |
membrane of the yolk, whereas covers the blastoderma, became very thin. |
Albumen supra
formatum blastoderma plane recedit, et huic liberum accessum ad
internam testae superficiem dat. |
above formed albumen goes wholly away from the blastoderma and gives
it a free access to the inside surface of the shell. |
10. |
10 |
foveolae, in qua libera superior pulli pars collocatur, ita
increverunt, ut sub forma vaginae semilunari margine terminatae eam
partem a dorso obtegant. |
borders of the dimple, where the free superior part of the chick is
placing itself, are so increased to cover that part protecting it from
the back as a sheath delimited by a semi lunar edge. |
Foetus ex
recto suo situ paullulum superiore parte ad sinistrum latus conversus
et ab extremo capitis incurvatus est, ita ut regiones sincipitis[23]
et occipitis jam manifestentur. |
fetus with the superior part is slightly turned from its straight side
toward the left side and is bent starting from the extremity of the
head, so that the regions of sinciput and occiput are already showing
themselves. |
Quod hucusque
stratum globulosum diximus, in membranam vasculosam, inter duas
blastodermatis laminas interpositam transmutatur. Sanguinis nempe
insulae, in rivulos contractae, parietes induunt, et hac ratione vasa
sanguifera formant, quae [40] iterum tenui lamina connectuntur; quare
blastoderma jam e tribus componitur stratis. |
we till now have called globular layer, turns itself into the vascular
membrane interposed among two laminae of the blastoderma. The blood's
islands, precisely, gathered in rivulets, become covered with walls,
and in this way they form the blood vessels, newly joined by a thin
lamina; that's why the blastoderma is now composed by three layers. |
quas distantes et flexuose incedentes plicae primitivae in regione
capitali formant, replentur vesiculis, continuam sed subdivisam
cavitatem constituentibus, in quibus cerebrum oritur, et in posteriori
quidem eaque magis in longitudinem protracta, medulla oblongata, in
secunda globosa corpora quadrigemina, in tertia minori et angustiori
crura cerebri et thalami nervi optici et in anteriori quarta iterum
majori, hemisphaeria. |
cells, formed distant and endowed with supple movement in the cephalic
region by the primitive plicae, are filling with vesicles constituting
a continuous but subdivided cavity, in which the brain is born, and
the medulla oblongata in the posterior and longer one, in the second
cavity the globular quadrigeminal bodies, in the smaller and narrower
third the legs of the brain and of the thalamus of optic nerve, and
the hemispheres in the newly greater fourth anterior cavity. |
In inferiori,
vitello nempe obversa blastodermatis superficie, binae ad utrumque
latus pulli, ubi jam abdomen inspicis, decurrunt plicae, duae externae,
alterae duae internae. Plicae externae ex omnibus blastodermatis
stratis simul {sumtis} <sumptis>, internae vero ex strato
vasculoso et pituitoso sine strato seroso formantur[24]. |
the inferior cavity, naturally after having turned the surface of the
blastoderma toward the yolk, two plicae are running near both sides of
the chick, there where you already see the abdomen, two external and
the other two internal. The external plicae are formed by all the
layers of the blastoderma put together, while the internal ones are
formed by the vascular and mucous layer without the serous layer. |
Exteriores plicae abdominis, quod omnino patet, margines constituunt,
sed cum [42] postea partim intestinorum formationi, nempe stratis
pituitoso et vasculoso, [43] inserviant, partim, nempe strato seroso,
abdominis parietes constituant, illas plicas [44] intestinales,
has plicas abdominales vocamus. |
external plicae of the abdomen, being a thing entirely evident,
constitute some margins, but since subsequently they are partly
available for the formation of the bowels, that is with the mucous and
vascular layers, partly, that is with the serous layer, they
constitute the walls of the abdomen; those we call intestinal plicae,
these we call abdominal plicae. |
[45] Plicae
interiores autem, quae coeundo mesenterium formant, mesentericae
dicendae sunt. |
the more internal plicae, which, joining themselves, make the
mesentery, must be called mesenteric plicae. |
cardiaca amplam cavitatem et verum orificium apertum, in supremam
ventriculi patentis partem transiens, refert: figura ovalis fere est,
superne rotunda et latior, unde plicae intestinales, deorsim vero
sensim angustior, unde plicae mesentericae ad utrumque latus foetus
descendunt et in involucri caudae inferiorem partem desinunt. |
cardiac fossa shows a wide cavity and a true open orifice going in the
higher part of the visible ventricle: the shape is almost oval, upward
round and wider, whence the intestinal plicae go down, but a little
more narrow downward, whence the mesenteric plicae go down at both
sides of the fetus and finish in the inferior part of the wrap of the
tail. |
vaginae caudae inter se magis approximatae, vagina ipsa magis in
longitudinem protracta, primordium intestini recti exhibent. |
walls of the wrap of the tail more close each other, the wrap itself
more extended in length, are showing the sketch of the rectum. |
Denique renes
quoque plicis mesenterii adhaerent, quibus igitur, ut Wolffius
commemorat, non solum mesenterii, sed renum quoque primordium
repraesentatur. |
also the kidneys stick to the mesenteric plicae, by which therefore,
as Kaspar Wolff remembers, not only the sketch of the mesentery is
shaped, but also of the kidneys. |
Cor curvum
canalem figurae ferri equini seu parabolae refert, et in sinistram
foetus latus flexum prominet[25]. |
heart reminds a bent channel with the appearance of a horseshoe or of
a parable, and leftwards the flex side of the fetus is sticking out. |
Elio Corti
- Leveillé ou Léveillé Jean
Baptiste François (1765/1769-1829), est un de ces hommes qui, malgré un
mérite réel, un grand savoir, des travaux importants, n'obtiennent pas
dans le monde médical la réputation et la notoriété auxquelles
parviennent une foule de médiocrités. Leveillé naquit le 25 août 1765
(ou 1769?), à Ourouer, dans le Nivernais. Son père lui fit faire de
bonnes études et l'envoya en 1790 étudier la médecine à Paris, où it
suivit les leçons de l'illustre Desault. Commissionné en 1799 pour l'armée
d'Italie avec le grade de médecin de première classe, il se rencontra à
Pavie avec quelques-ans des plus éminents chirurgiens de l'Italie, et se
lia d'amitié avec le célèbre Antonio Scarpa (Motta di Livenza 1752 -
Pavia 1832). A son retour en France, en 1801, Leveillé s'adonna à la
pratique civile de la médecine et à des travaux de littérature médicale.
II fut nommé médecin des prisons du département de la Seine, de la
maison royale de santé, et l'Académie de médecine se l'adjoignit dès
sa fondation. Il mourut le 13 mars 1829. Ses écrits attestent des
connaissances anatomo-pathologiques sérieuses et une connaissance
approfondie de la littérature médicale italienne. Sa chirurgie mérite
encore aujourd'hui d'être consultée. Oeuvres
— I. Dissertation physiologique sur la nutrition du foetus des
mammifères et des oiseaux / Dissertation Physiologique sur la Nutrition
des Foetus considérés dans les Mammifères et dans les Oiseaux. Paris,
1799 — etc. [Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales,
Paris, 1869]
Christian Pander -
Leveillé sur la nutrition des foetus considerés dans les mammifères et
dans les oiseaux, excerptum in Reilii archiv für Physiologie tomus 4. p.
417. — Aristotelis opera MDXCVII. 8.
pag 950 histor. animal. lib. VI. cap. II. Αἰ
δὲ πρὸς τῇ
ἀρχῇ τοῦ
οὐδὲν συμβάλλονται
πρὸς τὴν
ὥσπερ τινες
εἰσιν δὲ δύο. ἡ
μὲν κάτοθεν ἡ
δὲ ἄνοθεν.
Aemilius Parisanus pro semine galli habuit. — Harveius, Langloyius,
Maitrejeanus cicatriculam, Malpighius folliculum, Coiter punctum s. orbicu!um,
Veslingius maculam albam nominant, et apud Vicq d'Azyr la cicatricule s.
le germe, apud Haller le follicule du jaune et orbiculus vitellarius, apud
Tiedermann Narbe, Flecken, apud Illiger Keimpunkt, punctum saliens audit.
Elio Corti
- La
ligne, termine che in francese significa linea, è un'unità di lunghezza
adoperata in Francia prima dell'adozione del sistema metrico nel tardo
Settecento. È tuttora utilizzata dai produttori di orologi da polso
francesi e svizzeri per misurare il diametro del movimento di un orologio.
La ligne viene indicata con la lettera L, o con il simbolo del triplo
primo ('''), ed equivale a 2,2558291 mm (1 mm = 0,443296 ligne). Dodici
lignes formano un pollice francese (27,07 mm).
[5] Elio Corti - La cicatricola o cicatricula - piccola cicatrice - è anche detta discoblastula oppure blastoderma. Blastula deriva dal latino scientifico blastula, diminutivo del femminile greco blástë = germoglio, gemma, rampollo, germe, embrione; equivalente è il maschile blastós che ha lo stesso significato. § Cicatricola o cicatricula deriva dal latino tardo cicatricula = piccola cicatrice, diminutivo di cicatrix = cicatrice. Ristretta zona del polo dell'uovo degli uccelli, dove, subito sotto alla membrana vitellina, si trovano il citoplasma e il nucleo. Dalla cicatricola, detta anche discoblastula o disco germinativo, si svilupperà l'embrione.
Christian Pander -
Nullus ante Wolffium auctor aliquid de hoc blastodermate commemorat, et
Wolffius ipse incipiente pulli formatione id nasci indicat. De
formatione Intestinorum pars 1. pag. 431. §. 33. "Sed primum quoque
omnino est, cum nisi prius, saltim eodem tempore cum embryone oritur.
Nunquam enim embryo conspicitur, quin areoIa quoque haec circa eum
observetur. Sed vidisse quoque mihi visus sum in ovis duodecim circiter
vel octodecim horas incubatis istam foveam vacuam sine ullo embryonis
vestigio. Et in aliis ejusdem aetatis ovis similiter areolam vidi, in qua
tamen embryonis rudimentum, sed veri nominis rudimentum continebatur."
— Ceteri omnes scriptores tam longe a veritate recesserunt, ut maxinia
perturbatio tam in inspicienda quam in denominanda re orta sit, ita ut
blastoderma modo cicatriculam (multi auctores), modo colliquamentum, (Malpighius,
Langleyius, Harvejus), modo sacculum colliquamenti (Malpighius), modo ovi
oculum (Harvejus), modo le lit du poule (Maitrejean), modo sacculum
vitellarium (Haller in operibus minoribus), modo chorion (Fabricius ab
Aquapendente), modo Amnion (Malpighius et Haller in editione gallica
appellarent; et — quod incredibile dictu — omnes autores, post
Wolffium formationem pulli in ovo tractantes, hoc blastoderma non
commemorarent, ita ut modo, Erweiterung des Fleckens (Tiedemann), modo
Einsackung der Dotterhaut oder Anfang des Pippels (Oken) nominarent.
[7] Christian Pander - Malpighius foetum in ovo nondum incubato vidit, de form. pulli in ovo pag. 2. Tab. I. f. 1-2. "In sacculo velut in amnio," ait "dum solis radiis illum objiciebam, inclusum foetum L animadvertebam, cujus caput cum appensae carinae staminibus patenter emergebat" et (appendix repetitas auctasque de ovo incubato observationes continens Tab. I. f. I. pag. 2.) "In colliquamento pulli carina candidis delineata zonis innatabat." — Post sextam incubationis horam commem "orat (de form. pulli pag. 3.): "In medio pulli carina una cum capite innatabat," et appendix pag. 2. fig. 2. "Pulli carinae et capitis inchoamenta zonae specie emergebant, in colliquamento plumbei coloris innatantia." — Lancisius eadem hora etiam vasa umbilicalia et circulum, quo colliquamentum circumscribitur, vidit, de motu cordis pag. 87). — Nullum adest dubium, quin hae observationes recte sint factae; attamen veri simile est, utrumque autorem de tempore incubationis falli; nam et nos ova, quae nondum incubata esse asserebant, statim, ubi accepimus, aperuimus, inque iis foetus unius, duorum, trium, quatuor et quinque dierum, in quibus cor adhuc manifeste pulsabat, invenimus. Et sic certe celerrima evolutio, quam Malpighius et Lancisius in scrutatis ovis inveniebant, non, uti ceteris visum est, auctoribus, calidiori Italiae coelo, sed errori, adtribuenda est.
[8] Christian Pander - Hanc aream pellucidam jam Haller descripsit, et Nidum Pulli vocavit. De form. cordis Tom. II. pag. 318. in operibus minoribus: "Quando nunc ovum foecundatum est, pars aliqua vilelli foetui vicinissima adparet, tenera, nitida, per quam vitelli flavedo pelluceat, cum amnio undique, ut videtur, connexa, nullis vasculis insignis. Eam, ut reliquum vitellum, membranula, quam porro eo nomine (nempe nido pulli) vocabo, operit, proxime adplicata. Ejus nidi eo tempore semper eandem formam esse, persuadeor, nempe ex ovata reniformen, qualis fit, quando duo circuli duabus lineis rectis cunjunguntur, quae eadem fere pistilli figura est. Etsi vero ellipsin aut margaritae formam nonnunquam exprimit, circulumque, cum quadam appendice, etsi etiam inaequales saepe circuli sunt, quibus constat, aut difformis videtur, aut superior finis nescio quomodo angulosus adparet, aut inferius lacer, aut alter circulus deest, ut phiolae figura sit: longe tamen pleraeque observationes et eo magis, quo meliores sunt, nidi figuram faciunt, qualem dixi. Et in hanc figuram sola saepe quiete aliae, minus naturae convenientes, sponte mutantur. Incipit meis in experimentis adparere hora 12.''
[9] Christian Pander - Append. pag. 2. "Carinae extremitatem sacculus E (Tab. I. f. 1.) obscurabat. — "In cicatriculae centro vesicula B f. 2. irregularibus interdum terminata finihus, diaphanoque turgida humore locabatur. (Conf. fig. 4, 5, 6, 7.) Pag. 4. "Carina haec in colliquamento E (tab. II. fig. 1.) tegens proxima erat sacculo F qui diaphano turgere videbatur succo." — De format. pulli tab. I. f. 1-4, 6, 7.
[10] Christian Pander - Nemo certe dubitabit, utrumque stratum toto coelo a duobus areae vasculosae stratis a Wolffio commemoratis differre, qui cognovit externum Wolffii stratum nil nisi membranam vitelli propriam esse; nam manifeste dicit, sct. Petrop. Tom. XII. pag. 415. §. 15. "Nulla ratione ad involucra propria embryonis referri potest, sed communem et potius vitelli tunicam constituit, qua tamen embryo et amnium simul includantur."
Christian Pander -
Nemo adhuc constructionem et significationem halonum manifestavit. Oken aperte confessus est, "Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte: Was die
Halonen bedeuten, weiss ich in der That nicht. Sie scheinen aber nicht
ohne Bezug aufs Gefässsystem zu seyn." quod tamen falsum est.
Christian Pander -
De Form. Pulli Tab. I. fig. I, IV-VII, IX, X. Append. fig. I-VII.
[13] Christian Pander - Haller Tom. II. pag. 355. "Primum foetum involutum satis certo vidi hora duodecima, capite crassiori super folliculum posito, deinde cauda tegente, diametrum folliculi graciliori, quam in Malpighii (append. Tab. I, fig. 2) iconibua, Eam figuram tenuit et horis posterioribus. Constanter etiam inferior pars corpusculi minus nitide circumscripta et fere nebulosa est." — Et pag. 356. "Jam hora 24 aliqua initia discriminis foetum inter et amnium in bonis ovis adparent: nam et cauda fissa adparet per totam longitudinem cis finem dilatata, ut lanceolata coeat." — Tiedemann's Zoologie Tom. III. pag. 158 ait: "Der Flecken ist jetzt" (die secundo incipiente) "etwas grüsser geworden und bildet nach aussen einen kleinen Vorsprung, Seine blasenartige Hüblung ist mit einer krystallhellen und durchsichtigen Flüssigkeit angefüllt, in der man gegen die 30te Stunde einen trüben wolkigen länglichen Körper bemerkt, welcher die erste Spur des sith bildenden Embryo ist. Bey genauerer Uniersuchung mit dem Microscop hat der Embryo die Gestalt eines kleinen ausgestreckten gallertartigen Fadens mit einem kolbigten Ende." — Oken Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte Tom. III. p. II, pag. 361: "Um die Mitte des zweyten Tages enthält der Hahnentritt flüssiges Wasser, und in diesem schon den sichtbaren gallertartigen Keim gleich einem Faden mit kolbigtem Ende, der Kopf." Nescimus quo subtilissimo rete isti observatores ad piscandam hanc natantem gelatinam usi sint.
[14] Christian Pander - Malpighius, appendix Tab. II. fig. 8-14. pag. 3: "Geminae zonae, seu crassae candidaeque lineae, in capite parum distantes et quasi reflexae in posticam partem, iterum approximatae collum efformabant; mox diductae et quasi parallelae in longum protractae, carinatum spatium efficiebant, et hinc inde vertebrarum sacculos numero septem appensos servabant; tandem coeuntes carinae extremum constituebant." — Etiam Hallerus hancce inflexionem vidit, nam in descriptione ovi 25. pag. 77 ait: "In nido foetus capite fisso et quasi replicato," postea autem de eodem ovo aliam narrat rem, nempe pag, 356: "Vaginam capitis ita a capite distingui vidi, ut fissum videretur," nil autem hoc loco de replicatione commemorat, quam certe parvi habuit momenti. — Wolff, Theoria generationis Halae 1715. pag. 135. §. 217 ait: "In primo, qui apparet, embryone, capiti quod distinguitur antrorsum recurvatum, continuum observatur spinae dorsalis rudimentum, id vero absque ullo vertebrarum vestigio."
[15] Christian Pander - Malpighius Append. Tab. I, f. VI. pag. 3. "Succedebat lata area G colliquamenti alveolis H excavata; haec rivulo ambiebatur, qui candido erat circulo I obseptus." — Haller 1. c. pag. 324: "Halonum intimus, quam dico aream, reticulatus, intervallis distinctus pellucidis et acinosis."
Christian Pander -
Malpighius Tab. I. II. f. V-XIV. Append.
[17] Christian Pander - Malpighius Tab. II. fig. XV. XVI. "Circa dorsum curvabantur zonae F."
[18] Christian
Pander - Malpighius
Append. Tab. II. fig. XVII. XVIII. XIX.
Christian Pander -
Malpighius Append. Tab.
II. fig. X.
[20] Christian Pander - Idem Tab. II. fig. XVII.
[21] Christian Pander - Idem Tab. II. fig. XIX et XXI. Oculos A A fig. XIX, nimis distinctos et ab intermedia vesicula separatos delineat.
[22] Elio Corti - Amnio, amnion o amnios: dal greco amníon, vaso in cui si raccoglieva il sangue delle vittime ma anche involucro del feto. Annesso embrionale costituito da un sacco che si sviluppa a spese di una parte dei tessuti formati dall'uovo fecondato (sacco amniotico), contenente – in quantità variabile nei diversi animali e nei vari stadi di sviluppo – un liquido sieroso (liquido amniotico) nel quale è immerso l'embrione ancorato al cordone ombelicale.
[23] Elio Corti – Sincipite, in latino sinciput - sincipitis, deriva da semi-, semi-, e caput, capo. In anatomia topografica corrisponde alla parte più elevata del cranio, corrispondente alla regione del bregma (in greco brégma = sommità del capo, è il punto di incontro delle suture coronale e sagittale). Occipite, in latino occiput - occipitis, deriva da ob, sotto, presso + caput, capo. In anatomia corrisponde alla regione posteriore del capo là dove si trova l'osso occipitale.
[24] Christian Pander - Incredibili quadam diligentia et mira in delineando describendoque solertia Wolffius, vir omni laude dignissimus, de iis exposuit, quae in pullorum incubatorum formando et succrescenti canali intestinorum deprehendere licet; ut{;} <,> qui majore cum sedulitate in latebras naturae ipsius penetraverint, qui majore cum curiositate ejus artificia indagaverint, aut paucos invenias, aut nullos. Neque etiam caruerunt debitis ejus merita praeconiis. Recentioribus potissimum temporibus fuerunt, qui auctoritatem viri subsecuti ejus doctrinas ut irrefutabiles omnibusque periculis comprobatas in patrocinium suum reciperent. In hoc numero habemus imprimis Tiedemannum, qui in libro suo de zoologia, et Meckelium, qui et in versione vernacula dissertationum, a Wolffio in Actis Petropolitanis dispersim editarum, et in Archivo physiologiae germanico, Clarissimo illi viro adstipulati sunt. Contra vero Okenius, in suo de zoologia libro acerrime in Wolffium invectus est; quem cum obscuritatis nomine accusaret, a Tiedemanno publica voce in Iside flagitavit, ut de integro et distincte omnem canalis intestinorum procreandi rationem persequeretur, vel saltem, quid de ea re sentiret ipse, in lucem promeret. Quae cum ita sint, accuratam a nobis rationis, qua organa haec observatione dignissima progignantur, enarrationem exhiberi, neque ab hoc loco alienum erit, neque ingratum lectoribus, quod posse praestare nobis ipsis jucundissimum accidit. Eum enim solertia nostra habuit eventum, ut ea nunc comperta habeamus, quae isti omni disceptationi finem impositura videantur. Quoniam vero Okenius non injuria de obscuritate harum rerum queritur, ingressi sumus primum ad Wolffii errores discutiendos, deinde ad novam eamque ad naturae leges unice conformatam hujus procreationis descriptionem adornandam. Errorum autem plerorumque, in quibus Wolffius, et qui eum secuti sunt, versantur, causa in hoc potissimum posita est, quod, ut satis a nobis indicatum et demonstratum est, blastoderma, unam solam lamellam esse opinati, omnium, quae in hoc apparent, mutationum ambitum et fontes hac una membrana contineri judicaverant. Quae praeconcepta opinio maxime iis obfuit. Potest enim tota omnino res clare et distincte non perspici, nisi quis omnem seriem transformationum, quaecunque in singulis hujus membranae stratis occurrunt, penitus enodaverit. Haec enim strata, nunc distracta, nunc conjuncta, singula diversorum organorum existunt principia. Itaque propagantur deinceps e membrana serosa paries corpusculi atque amnium; e membrana vero pituitosa et vasculosa intestinorum canalis et mesenterium. Quem canalem aut intestinum saltim medium, quod rudimentum est totius tractus intestinorum, Wolffius perhibuit cooriri inde, quod duae, separatae antea laminae concrescerent. Quae plena est erroris sententia. Quae enim membrana canalem intestinorum protrudit, ea supra totum foetum extensa est, et utrinque appropinquando ad se applicatur. Quo fit, ut mesenterium efformetur. Haec ejus verba. Tom. 13. §. 136. "In anteriori laminae abdominalis facie concava similis fere continetur lamina angustior et magis convoluta (s. s. r. r.) cujus in descriptione aperturae amnii spurii (§. 100) sub nomine fistulae intestinalis mentionem jam feci. Ea vero non intestini primitivi ipsius sed mesenterii primordium est, hujusque duas laminas, a se invicem adhuc dum separatas, et late patentes, exhibet, adeo ut inter utrasque has lamellas, quae fistulae parietes constituunt, nuda spinae dorsalis facies anterior appareat, fundumque fistulae hujus seu laminae concavae efficiat. Uti igitur fovea cardiaca suo tempore, die scilicet tertio finito, ventriculum; uti rima post diem tertium intestinum medium; uti denique foveola inferior die tertio finito intestinum rectum refert; ita apertura amnii spurii seu fistula intestinalis mesenterii primordium exhibet. Margines convolutae hujus laminae anteriores limbi illi sunt <(>Diss. prior. fig. 6. n. n. m. u.) interiores seu intestinales, qui, dum successive constringuntur, suturam efficiunt (Tab. prior. Diss. fig. 7. I.). Hinc ergo patet, suturam proprie esse marginem posteriorem intestini medii, seu conjunctionem posteriorem laminarum intestinalium (fig. 3. m. M.) ubi hae laminae conjunctae incipiunt mesenterium constituere. Dum igitur sutura formatur, partes hujus laminae laterales uniuntur, et mesenterium hac ratione oritur, simulque intestinum medium formari incipit. Illud ergo simili fere modo, ut intestinum, fit, dum duae laminae, quae separatae prius fuerunt , conjunguntur et concrescunt, Et patet igitur, si ad formationem intestinorum respicimus, ea non modo laminas fuisse meras planas certo tempore, die scilicet quarto, quae marginibus anterioribus separatis revolutisque pateant, solisque posterioribus in mesenterii laminas continuatis, cohaereant, sed adeo fuisse repraesentata, prius quam ad hunc statum perveniunt, scilicet secundo die finito, per laminas, quae neque marginibus posterioribus cohaerent, sed a primo principio separatae sunt et late a se invicem distant."
Christian Pander -
Malpighius Append. Tab. III. fig. 23. 25.