June 19, 1984

Dear Mister Plant:

Sometime ago a letter was forwarded to me concerning Mrs. L. Hering of Saratoga, California. Mrs. Hering has passed away. She donated a good bit of her material to Kansas State University at Manhattan, Kansas. A Professor, Paul Sandford, there is very knowledgeable about the inventory of things she forwarded to them. I believe that plus a lot of material assembled by Prof. Payne (deceased) while he was at Kansas State is now in storage there. The future of this material is very much in question at this time.

Several of us here in the US have assembled quantities of old poultry material and now don’t know what to do with it. Perhaps we can recruit some new collectors to carry on as we phase out. However, the costs for space, insurance, etc. are almost prohibitive when you get into large collections.

Sincerely yours,

John L. Skinner 
Archivist - Official Historian