In greco Anaxandrídës, in latino Anaxandrides: poeta
comico greco della commedia di mezzo
(nato a Camiro, Rodi, o Colofone, ca. 400 aC). Scrisse 65 commedie di soggetto
eroico, mitologico e amoroso (di cui restano soltanto 81 frammenti) ed ebbe
larga fama come vincitore, fra il 382 e il 349, delle Dionisie (tre volte) e
delle Lenee (sette volte).
bisogna confondere questo poeta comico con lo storiografo Alessandride
di Delfi che taluni (come riporta il Dictionary
of Greek and Roman biography and mythology di William Smith, 1867)
hanno erroneamente tramandato come Anassandride di Delfi, e ciò accade
anche nel testo greco della vita di Lisandro stilata da Plutarco e che si
riporta in calce
Aldrovandi cade in questo qui pro quo, ma opposto, tramutando cioè il poeta Anassandride in Alessandride, nonostante in Ateneo si legga inequivocabilmente Anassandride, e lo commette in due opere che - eccetto l'autore - non hanno alcuna relazione tra loro, per cui è da escludere una svista dei tipografi.
Le opere sono il Cycni Encomium che fa parte degli Encomia Animalium di Aldrovandi (contenuti nel I tomo di Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Socraticae Jocoseriae di Gaspare Dornavio, 1619) e Ornithologiae tomus tertius ac postremus (1603), precisamente a pagina 3. Le frasi e gli errori contenuti nelle due opere sono sovrapponibili, eccetto Cygnum/Cycnum:
- Apud
Athenaeum etiam Dipnosophistis [cycni] apponuntur. Alexandrides
apud eundem, posteaquam carpsisset Trachum regis convivium, Cygnum inter aves
lautas subinde numerat. (Ornithologiae
tomus tertius)
- Apud Athenæum etiam Dipnosophistis apponuntur. Alexandrides apud eundem,
posteaquam carpsisset Thracum regis convivium, Cycnum inter aves lautas
subinde numerat. (Cycni
§ Vista la discrepanza Cygnum/Cycnum tra i due testi, ecco una riprova che Alexandrides non fu un errore tipografico.
Anaxandrides (Ἀναξανδρίδης), was an Athenian Middle Comic poet. He was victorious ten times (test. 1. 3), first in 376, according to the Marmor Parium (FGrHist 239 A 70 = test. 3). Inscriptional evidence shows that three of his victories came at the Lenaia (IG II2 2325. 142), so the other seven must have been at the City Dionysia, including in 375 (IG II2 2318. 241), when he also took third at the Lenaia (IG Urb. Rom. 218. 5). A substantial fragment of his complete competitive record survives in IG Urb. Rom. 218. He wrote 65 plays (test. 1. 3), and his career continued into the early 340s (IG Urb. Rom. 218. 8; fourth at the City Dionysia in 349 with either Rustics or Anchises). He was probably from the city of Camirus on Rhodes (test. 1. 1; 2. 9), although the Suda (test. 1. 2–3) reports that ‘according to some authorities’ he was from Colophon. The Suda (test. 1. 3–4) also reports that Anaxandrides was ‘the first to introduce love-affairs and rapes of girls’ (sc. to the comic stage).
82 fragments (including two dubia) of his comedies survive, along with 41 titles: Rustics, Anchises, Aeschra (or perhaps The Ugly Woman), The Girl From Ambracia (probably 2nd, near the end of his career), The Rival In Love (5th), Achilleus, The Madness of Old Men, Twins, The Birth of Dionysus (probably 2nd), Helen, Erechtheus (City Dionysia 368; 3rd), Pious Men, Painters or Geographers (or The Geographer), Heracles, Thessalians, The Treasure, Theseus, Io (City Dionysia 374; 4th), The Ritual-Basket-Bearer, Cercius or Cercion, The Female Cithara-Player, Hunters, The Comic Tragedy, Women From Locris, Lycurgus, The Ma[dwoman] (364; probably 2nd), Melilot, Nereus, Nereids, Odysseus (City Dionysia between 373 and 358; 4th), The Expert in Hoplite Fighting, Pandarus, Cities, Protesilaus, The Girl From Samos, Satyrias, Sosippus, Tereus (not victorious), Outrageous Behaviour, The Drug-Prophet, and The Libation-Vessel-Bearer. The standard edition of the testimonia and fragments is Kassel-Austin, Poetae Comici Graeci II; Kock numbers are now outdated and should not be used. A university of Illinois dissertation on Anaxandrides was completed by Benjamin Millis but has not been published.
References: Heinz-Günther Nesselrath (1993). "Parody and Later Greek Comedy". Harvard Studies in Classical Philology.
Anaxandrides (Ἀναξανδρίδης), an Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy, was the son of Anaxander, a native of Cameirus in Rhodes. He began to exhibit comedies in B.C. 376 (Marm. Par. Ep. 34), and 29 years later he was present, and probably exhibited, at the Olympic games celebrated by Philip at Dium. Aristotle held him in high esteem. (Rhet. iii. 10—12; Eth. Eud. vi. 10 ; Nicom. vii. 10.) He is said to have been the first poet who made love intrigues a prominent part of comedy. He gained ten prizes, the whole number of his comedies being sixty-five. Though he is said to have destroyed several of his plays in anger at their rejection, we still have the titles of thirty-three.
Anaxandrides was also a dithyrambic poet, but we have no remains of his dithyrambs. (Suidas, s.v.; Athen. ix. p. 374; Meineke; Bode.)
Anaxandrides (Ἀναξανδρίδης), of Delphi, a Greek writer, probably the same as Alexandrides. [Alexandrides, and Plut. Quaest. Graec. c. 9.]
Alexandrides (Ἀλεξανδρίδης) of Delphi, a Greek historian of uncertain date. If we may judge from the subjects on which his history is quoted as an authority, it would seem that his work was a history of Delphi. (Plut. Lysand. 18; Schol. ad Eurip. Alcest. 1, where undoubtedly the same person is meant, though the ms. reading is Anaxandrides; Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 926.)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and
William Smith - Boston, 1867
Plutarco - Λύσανδρος
- 18. ὁ δὲ Λύσανδρος ἔστησεν ἀπὸ τῶν λαφύρων ἐν Δελφοῖς αὑτοῦ χαλκῆν εἰκόνα καὶ τῶν ναυάρχων ἑκάστου καὶ χρυσοῦς ἀστέρας τῶν Διοσκόρων, οἳ πρὸ τῶν Λευκτρικῶν ἠφανίσθησαν. ἐν δὲ τῷ Βρασίδου καὶ Ἀκανθίων θησαυρῷ τριήρης ἔκειτο διὰ χρυσοῦ πεποιημένη καὶ ἐλέφαντος δυεῖν πηχῶν, ἣν Κῦρος αὐτῷ νικητήριον ἔπεμψεν. [2] Ἀναξανδρίδης δὲ ὁ Δελφὸς ἱστορεῖ καὶ παρακαταθήκην ἐνταῦθα Λυσάνδρου κεῖσθαι τάλαντον ἀργυρίου καὶ μνᾶς πεντήκοντα δύο καὶ πρὸς τούτοις ἕνδεκα στατῆρας, οὐχ ὁμολογούμενα γράφων τοῖς περὶ τῆς πενίας τοῦ ἀνδρὸς ὁμολογουμένοις. - Lysander
erected out of the spoils brazen statues at Delphi of himself, and of every
one of the masters of the ships, as also figures of the golden stars of Castor
and Pollux, which vanished before the battle at Leuctra. In the treasury of
Brasidas and the Acanthians there was a trireme made of gold and ivory, of two
cubits, which Cyrus sent Lysander in honour of his victory. But Alexandrides
of Delphi write's, in his history, that there was also a deposit of Lysander's,
a talent of silver, and fifty-two minas, besides eleven staters; a statement
not consistent with the generally received account of his poverty. (translated
by John Dryden)
Nella traduzione latina di Theodor Döhner (1857) Ἀναξανδρίδης δὲ ὁ Δελφὸς viene tradotto con Anaxandrides Delphicus anziché Alexandrides of Delphi, come ha giustamente fatto John Dryden.
Secundum codices Parisinos recognovit
Theodor Döhner
Editore Ambrosio Firmin Didot