Celio Aureliano
Caelius Aurelianus
originario di Sicca in Numidia
e vissuto a Roma nel secolo V, ma la sua esatta localizzazione cronologica è
incerta. Utilizzando i lavori di Sorano di Efeso
scrisse varie opere, due delle quali - De morbis acutis et chronicis e Gynaecia
- sono particolarmente importanti perché illustrano le dottrine dei metodici
Caelius Aurelianus (fl. 5th century CE) was a Roman physician and writer on medical topics, of Sicca in Numidia. He is best known for his translation from Greek to Latin of a work by Soranus, On Acute and Chronic Diseases. He probably flourished in the 5th century, although some place him two or even three centuries earlier. In favour of the later date is the nature of his Latin, which shows a strong tendency to the Romance, and the similarity of his language to that of Cassius Felix, also an African medical writer, who about 450 wrote a short treatise, chiefly based on Galen.
We possess a translation by Aurelianus of two works of Soranus of Ephesus (2nd century), the chief of the "methodist" school of medicine, on chronic and acute maladies — Tardae or Chronicae Passiones, in five, and Celeres or Acutae Passiones in three books. The translation, which is especially valuable since the original has been lost, shows that Soranus possessed considerable practical skill in the diagnosis of ordinary and even of exceptional diseases. It is also important as containing numerous references to the methods of earlier medical authorities.
We also possess considerable fragments of his Medicinales Responsiones, also adapted from Soranus, a general treatise on medicine in the form of question and answer; it deals with rules of health (salutaria praecepta) and the pathology of internal diseases (ed. Rose, Anecdota Graeca et Latina, ii., 1870). Where it is possible to compare Aurelianus's translation with the original — as in a fragment of his Gynaecia with Soranus's Gynaecology — it is found that it is literal, but abridged. There is apparently no manuscript of the treatises in existence.
In the history of Greek medicine, the Methodists were a school of physicians. They emphasized the treatment of diseases rather than the history of the individual patient.The only writing by a Methodist that has survived is by Soranus. Galen describes their beliefs, but is strongly opposed to them, and may not be describing them accurately. The core theory was disruption of the normal circulation of 'atoms' through the body's 'pores' caused disease.
de la médecine ancienne et moderne
par Nicolas François Joseph Eloy
Mons – 1778
de la médecine ancienne et moderne
par Nicolas François Joseph Eloy
Mons – 1778