Pius Johannes Baptista
Come si può dedurre dal testo inglese che segue, con ogni probabilità Johannes Baptista Pius era un umanista rinascimentale, morto forse nel 1540. Nel web ho reperito quanto segue.
He is a
Renaissance scholar who published a commentary on Lucretius,
at least, early in the 1500s. Cosenza's "Dictionary of the Italian
Humanists" (2nd ed. Boston 1962) should have a number of references to
him: it's in our library if not in yours (i.e., if necessary, I'll be glad to
look up what it says). For his significance as a commentator on Tibullus (though
I don't think he wrote such a commentary), the place to turn would perhaps be
Dr Julia Haig Gaisser at Bryn Mawr, who I believe is preparing a CTC entry
that covers commentators on Tibullus. (James Lawrence Peter Butrica,
Department of Classics, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland A1C
5S7). The Library of Congress Authority file has the following: Pio, Giovanni
Battista, d. 1540? also known as: Pius, Jo[h]annes Baptista; Pio, Battista;
sim. ref. to edition: Caii Valerii Flacci Argonautica, 1548: t. p. has: Ioan. Baptistae Pii [etc.]