Ulisse Aldrovandi

Ornithologiae tomus alter - 1600

Liber Decimusquartus
qui est 
de Pulveratricibus Domesticis

Book 14th
domestic dust bathing fowls

transcribed by Fernando Civardi - translated by Elio Corti



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[325] Anno insuper 1551. in Gallia duplices ex Gallina pulli inventi sunt, quatuor videlicet alis, ut icon ostendit, totidemque pedibus, sed unico duntaxat capite.

Furthermore in 1551, in France, twin chicks have been found born from a hen, and precisely with four wings, as the picture is showing, and the same number of legs but with only one head.

Pulli gemini unico capite.

Twin chicks with one head.