Tom Thum e il Gallo
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Tom Thum
Many years ago in a humble but dirty cottage deep in the forest, there lived a dirty but humble mudmaker. He labored from sunup to sundown making mud, but was very poor, for then as now, the mud market was rather weak. When his day was done, he left the mud puddle and returned to the cottage where his wife always met him with a hot meal. Which she always threw directly at his forehead.
"Why must you throw my dinner at me, dearest?" asked the mudmaker.
"Because, good husband, I am unhappy," said his wife.
So saying, she served him his apple pie - which she always aimed directly at his left cheek - and shuffled off to bed.
Now, being a mudmaker is bad enough, but being a mudmaker with an unhappy wife is too much to bear. So early the next morning, the mudmaker awoke to the sound of a rooster crowing. Unfortunately, he mistook the rooster for an alarm clock and tried to turn it off, which resulted in one unhappy rooster. In any case, he awoke and quietly stole from the house and crossed the woods to a tiny house made of cheese where it was said a good fairy lived. He knocked.