Deinon or Dinon (Δείνων, Δίνων), father of Cleitarchus, the historian of
expedition. He wrote a
history of Persia, to which C. Nepos (Con. 5) refers as the most
trustworthy authority on the subject. He had, however, a large fund of
credulity, if we may trust Pliny (H. N. x. 49.) He is quoted also in
the following passages:— Plut. Alex. 36, Artax. 1, 6, 9, 10,13, 19,
22, Them. 27; Athen. ii. p. 67, b., iv. p. 146, c., xi. p. 503, f, xiii.
pp. 556, b., 560, f., 609, a., xiv. pp. 633, d., 652, b.; Cic. de Div.
i. 23 ; Ael. H. A. xvii. 10, V. H. vii. i.;
Diog. Laert.
i. 8, ix. 50, in which two passages we also find the erroneous reading Δίων.
of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
William Smith, Boston, 1867