
Proculeio Gaio
Caius Proculeius

Cavaliere romano, familiare di Augusto, che divise le proprie sostanze coi suoi due fratelli, i quali avevano perduto ogni loro avere nella guerra civile (condotta da Cesare contro Pompeo dal 49 al 48 aC). Proculeio non si tappò la bocca e il naso incrociando di tanto in tanto Cornelio Gallo, bensì una sola volta, quando gli capitò di imbattersi in Valerio Largo che, avendo accusato Cornelio Gallo, ne aveva provocato la morte per suicidio.

Oltretutto, Cornelio Gallo era già morto per suicidio quando Proculeio adottò questa trovata mimica contro Valerio Largo per esprimergli il suo disprezzo. I fatti sono narrati da Dione Cassio in Storia romana LIII, 23-24: “On the other hand, Cornelius Gallus was encouraged to insolence by the honour shown him. Thus, he indulged in a great deal of disrespectful gossip about Augustus and was guilty of many reprehensible actions besides; for he not only set up images of himself practically everywhere in Egypt, but also inscribed upon the pyramids a list of his achievements. For this act he was accused by Valerius Largus, his comrade and intimate, and was disfranchised by Augustus, so that he was prevented from living in the emperor's provinces. After this had happened, many others attacked him and brought numerous indictments against him. The senate unanimously voted that he should be convicted in the courts, exiled, and deprived of his estate, that his estate should be given to Augustus, and that the senate itself should offer sacrifices. Overwhelmed by grief at this, Gallus committed suicide before the decrees took effect; [24] and the insincerity of the majority of people was again proved by his case, in that they now treated the man whom formerly they had been wont to flatter in such a way that they forced him to die by his own hand, and then went over to Largus because he was beginning to grow powerful — though they were certain to vote the same measures against him all, if a similar situation should arise in his case. Proculeius, however, conceived such contempt for Largus that once, on meeting him, he clapped his hand over his nose and mouth, thereby hinting to the bystanders that it was not safe even to breathe in the man's presence. Another man, although unknown to him, approached him with witnesses and asked Largus if he knew him; then, when the other replied that he did not, he recorded his denial on a tablet, as though the rascal could not blackmail even a man whom he had not previously known. But we see how most men rather emulate the deeds of others, even though they be evil deeds, than guard against their fate, by what Marcus Egnatius Rufus did at this very time.[...]” (Cassius Dio, Roman History, Loeb Classical Library, 9 volumes, Greek texts and facing English translation: Harvard University Press, 1914 thru 1927. Translation by Earnest Cary)

Plinio riferisce il modo in cui morì Proculeio: Gypso madido statim utendum est, quoniam celerrime coit; tamen rursus tundi se et in farinam resolvi patitur. Usus gypsi in albariis, sigillis aedificiorum et coronis gratissimus. Exemplum inlustre est, C. Proculeium, Augusti Caesaris familiaritate subnixum, in stomachi dolore gypso poto conscivisse sibi mortem. (Naturalis historia XXXVI,183)

Gaius Proculeius Eques

Caius Proculeius was a Roman Knight, a member of the equester ordo, and an intimate friend of Octavian, later Augustus. After Actium, in 31 BC, Augustus sent Proculeius to Antony and Cleopatra. His coinage is found in achaea, on the named islands. Tacitus mentions him exactly once, in Tiberius' speech to Sejanus on Sejanus' request for marriage to Livilla. Livilla was the widow of Tiberius' son Drusus. Tiberius did not know it at the time of the speech, but Sejanus and Livilla had poisoned Drusus in their conspiracy, later revealed. Tiberius forestalls Sejanus' request, claiming that because Gaius Proculieus a Knight, he was not permitted to marry Julia, Augustus' daughter. Augustus thought that this would elevate Proculieus beyond his station. (da www.rovenet.com)

Valerius Largus

Largus: An Augustan poet, who wrote an epic on the wanderings of Antenor (a Trojan noble, reputed founder of Padua), sometimes identified with Valerius Largus the accuser of Cornelius Gallus. (www.tkline.freeserve.co.uk) - Antenore: eroe troiano. Nell'Iliade è un uomo saggio e onesto, che consiglia ai suoi concittadini la restituzione di Elena. Secondo leggende posteriori, avrebbe tradito Troia, consegnando il Palladio ai Greci e aprendo il ventre del cavallo di legno e le porte della città. Giunto poi in Italia, vi avrebbe fondato Padova.