Ulisse Aldrovandi

Ornithologiae tomus alter - 1600

Liber Decimusquartus
qui est 
de Pulveratricibus Domesticis

Book 14th
domestic dust bathing fowls

transcribed by Fernando Civardi - translated by Elio Corti - reviewed by Roberto Ricciardi



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A. Cutis rugosa circularis extrema.

B. Cutis laevis, tenuis desinens in foramen.

C. Foramen.



A. Wrinkled circular deep skin.

B. Light, thin skin, ending at the foramen.

C. Foramen.


AAAA. Podicis Gallinae et uteri commune tegumentum praeputium referens circulare.

BB. Extremitas colli uterini.




AAAA. Hen’s common covering of the anus and of the oviduct’s opening, which reminds a circular prepuce.

BB. The extremity of the neck of the uterus [of the vagina].


D. Rima oblonga exitus communis.




D. The oblong crevice of the common opening.