Apollonio Erofileo
Apollonio Mus
di Apollonio citato da Galeno a proposito della terapia dei dolori auricolari
- e che Galeno nella traduzione di Janus Cornarius
denomina Apollonius Herophili sectator - la dobbiamo a William Alexander Greenhill, M.D., Trinity College,
Oxford in Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology, William Smith, Boston, 1867.
10. apollonius
herophileius (Ἡροφίλειος) is supposed to be the
same person as Apollonius Mus. He wrote a pharmaceutical work entitled Περὶ
Εὐπορίστων, De Facile
Parabilibus (Gal. De Compos. Medicam. sec. Loc.
vi. 9, vol. xii. p. 995), which is very frequently quoted by Galen,
and which is probably the work referred to by Oribasius
(Eupor. ad Eunap. i. prooem. p, 574), and of which some fragments are
quoted in Cramer's Anecd. Graeca Paris, vol. i. p. 395, as still
existing in MS. in the Royal Library at Paris. He lived before Andromachus, as
that writer quotes him (ap. Gal. De Compos. Medicam. sec. Loc.
vol. xiii. pp. 76, 114, 137, 308, 326, 981), and also before
Archigenes (Gal. ibid. vol. xii. p. 515) ; we may therefore conclude
that he lived in or before the first century after Christ. He was a follower
of Herophilus
and is said by Galen (ibid. p. 510) to have lived for some time
at Alexandria. His work, Περὶ Μύρων, On
Ointments, is quoted by Athenaeus (xv. p. 688), and he is also mentioned
by Caelius Aurelianus. (De Morb. Ac. ii. 28, p. 139).
13. apollonius
Mus (Μῦς), a follower of Herophilus, of whose
life no particulars are known, but who must have lived in the first century b.c.,
as Strabo
mentions him as a contemporary, (xiv. 1, p. 182, ed. Tauchn.) He was a
fellow-pupil of Heracleides of Erythrae (ibid.), and composed a
long work on the opinions of the sect founded by Herophilus. (Cael, Aurel. De
Morb. Acut. ii. 13, p. 110; Gal. De Differ. Puls. iv. 10, vol. viii.
pp. 744, 74-6.) He also wrote on pharmacy (Cels. De Med. v. praef. p.
81 ; Pallad. Comm. in Hipp. "Epid. VI.," ap. Dietz, Schiol.
in Hipp. et Gal. vol. ii. p. 98 ; Gal. De Antid. ii. 7, 8, vol. xiv.
pp. 143, 146), and is supposed to be the same person who is sometimes called
"Apollonius Herophileius."
Μῦς è un nome proprio di persona tradotto in italiano con Mus oppure Mure, ma si scrive, anche al genitivo, come il topo: μῦς, μυός. Invece il sostantivo neutro μύρον significa olio odoroso, unguento.